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Why a Customer Information Form?

This article applies to buyers and sellers in Jamaica only.

Working with a realtor is a great opportunity for you to get the property you desire. In order for the realtor to submit your competitive offer for consideration by the owner(s), you will be required to accurately complete a Customer Information Form – CIF. 

The CIF is used primarily by the brokerage to collect easily identifiable information about you in order to establish your identity. This is a legal requirement and cannot be waved. 

You will be required to give your legal name, aliases (if applicable), current address, employment details, contact number and email, and your ID and Tax Registration Number (TRN), among other pieces of information. 

Copies of supporting documents such as your TRN, current government issued ID, and proof of address (current utility bills) for each applicant will be required to be submitted with the CIF.

After you have signed and dated the form, your agent will witness your signature and submit the form, on your behalf, to the broker.   

If you need further information on how to complete the CIF, please contact me by clicking here or call/text 876-815-0961.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each applicant will need to complete a CIF.

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